Thursday, May 7, 2009

In our culture, when we find or see something interesting, we point to that thing/person/issue so that others can see it and understand why we find it intriguing. This is a very basic way of communicating for all types of people everywhere. Pointing, as simple as it is, is one of the only universal ways of communicating, therefore, it is one of the most important ways of communicating. Whatever is most important to us or whatever we feel is most important for others to see is what we point to in word and deed. In short we could say that the things that we love are the very things we point people to.

Sometimes we point to things that fascinate us. Sometimes we point at things that are humorous. Sometimes we point to shift blame or trouble away from us. Sometimes we point to ourselves to take credit for our accomplishments. All in all, everything we do in life points to something as well.

The goal of the life of a Christian is to point to Jesus in all that we do. This is missional living - constantly living in such a way as to point people to Jesus.

We can accomplish this in any setting. Work, sports, fashion, friendships, marriage, child-raising, food, study, serving, and just about everything that can be done for the glory of God.
We must begin to understand that a pure focus on Jesus is not an event, but a lifestyle. It is to be involved in every aspect (great or small) of our lives. We should be pointing to Jesus in all that we do or don't do.

John the Baptist (JTB) knew this to be true in John 3:22-36.

Read the passage.

How do we live lives that point to Jesus?

(4 points)

- 1) We must make Jesus known in faith publicly. (vs. 23) This passage tells us something about Baptism in that it was used to publicly confess Christ to others. Our lives need to be a constant outward confession of Jesus so that others see the truth of Jesus in and through us who have been given the Holy Spirit. We need to live loud enough for others to hear us, live bright enough for others to see us, and live differently enough for others to see a difference in us. We don't have to be ashamed of our Christ. Which leads to...

- 2) We must be counter-cultural. (vs. 26-28) John the Baptist was questioned and doubted in this passage and instead of getting angry and jealous at Jesus, he, by the power of the Spirit, turned people's questions into an opportunity to point people TO Jesus and not AWAY from Jesus. This is counter-cultural! This is how we should live and make Jesus known. Some will question us when we live in opposition of sin, and we need to give an answer that points to Jesus and no one else. This is the purpose of the Christian - to live counter-culturally for the Gospel always showing people how life could and should be in Jesus Christ and in His Kingdom.

- 3) We must give Jesus ALL the credit. (vs. 29-31) It is His anyways! JTB could have, in this moment, been swelled up with pride and taken the credit for what he had accomplished in his ministry, but he did not. Even though people tried to build him up and make him feel important, JTB turned the tables around and gave God the glory for the things that were accomplished. This lets us know that even when we get the first 2 points right, we must not become prideful. There are many people who make Jesus known in public fashion and who live counter-culturally, but then they fall into the religious trap of taking the credit and glory. This is grotesque! When we feel like we are something, we need to become nothing. When we think we need to increase is when we truly need to decrease. It is more about Jesus and His church than ourselves as individuals.

- 4) We must daily remember He is Sovereign. (vs. 19-21) These last verses in chapter 3 give us a great picture of the Holy Trinity in that the Father gives all things to the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit. All things are truly in the hands of our Triune God! We need not to forget that He is greatly sovereign, and that He demands our trust. Too many "Christians" testify unto a weak god. They claim Christ, but their lives show that there is no sovereign power that is ultimately leading them. We need to be a testimony of a sovereign God. Don't testify of weakness, testify of His strength! Collapse daily at the foot of the cross begging to know the power and presence of our Holy and magnificent God who is all-knowing and all-powerful. Take time everyday to remember that God is THE ONLY thing that matters, and that without Him we are all hopelessly lost embracing the filth that is human nature. When we daily take time to understand who our God is, we can then clearly communicate to others who He is. We can show others what a gracious God we have in Jesus and that He stands to judge those who do not recieve His testimony - just like JTB did at the end of the text.

Christian, take time to remember your sovereign God and then you will not be able to contain it - you will point others to Him.

taken from my sermon @ The Realm on 5/6/09 entitled "The Art of Pointing"